All eyes are on the Olympics and many are hosting viewing parties! What is better to bring to a viewing party than a non cook patriotic dessert!? We have rounded up a few fantastic recipes that both are easy to make snd look delicious. Keep reading to find out more. A Large Jar of Spirit […]

Outdoor concerts are back! Jones Beach is hosting a wide array of musical performances this summer and fall. If you are a music lover, going to an outdoor concert at Jones Beach is a great activity for you and your friends or family. There are numerous genres of concerts to choose from, such as Imagine […]

If you are a tennis fan, the US Open is one of the exciting events happening August 28th through September 10th! Tennis lovers be sure to watch your favorite players battle it out at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center. Glenwood residents who love tennis should definitely not miss out on these matches!

The Olympics is here! Cheering on Team USA is a unifying time across all of America that is lots of fun to watch with family and friends! Hudson Yards has an outdoor screening of the Olympics on Saturdays and Sundays from 2pm-10pm, what a great summer night activity! Keep reading to find out more. Backyard […]

Today is Earth Day! Many of us have spent the past year realizing how important nature is to us. Walks in Central Park or looking at the Hudson River were great for reducing stress during this chaotic year. It is important to try to make changes to help benefit our Earth. Keep reading to find […]

If you are a tennis fan, the US Open is one of the exciting events happening at the end of this month! From Monday August 26th, through Sunday September 8th, watch your favorite players battle it out at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center. Glenwood residents who love tennis should definitely not miss […]