Attention Fans of Street Art: It’s Wooster Collective’s 10 Year Anniversary!
In 2001, Sara and Marc Schiller started Wooster Collective, named after the street in Soho and dedicated to bringing their favorite artists, men and women who happened to work in the streets, to a wider audience. It worked.
Wooster Collective became a movement after going online in 2003 and, maybe especially, after their amazing “11 Spring” exhibition in 2006, in which street artists from around the world flew into NYC and turned an abandoned, soon-to-be-renovated building in Nolita into a weekend-long party. Since then, street art and graffiti have exploded into the mainstream art world, with auctions, gallery and museum shows becoming routine.
Celebrating Their 10th Anniversary of Wooster Collective
Now through August 24, in Jonathan Levine’s many-roomed “pop-up” gallery on West 22nd, the Schiller celebrate their website’s 10th anniversary with a fantastic survey of street art, 10 Years of Wooster Collective. The roster here reads like the Street Art Hall of Fame. Shepard Fairey (of Obey and Obama’s “Hope” poster fame) has a gigantic Andre the Giant piece, and the Brooklyn-based duo behind Faile have almost a whole wall. Polish crochet-bomber Olek offers one of her yarny, glittery skeletons; A couple of Dan Witz’s creepy prisoner pieces; Several of Invader’s signature video-game-inspired tiles scattered about; A cool sculptural work of ROA that uses mirrors to nice effect; and two of Swoon’s (as-usual) beautiful stencils.
A Street Art Enthuasiat’s Dream Exhibition
There’s so much terrific, instantly-engaging work here at the 10 Years of Wooster Collective. Stikman, Buffmonster, Aiko, Blek le Rat, Crash, DALeast, Faile, Elbowtoe, Mark Jenkins, Jordan Seiler, Judith Supine, Zevs… on and on. If you’re already a street art enthusiast, you don’t need any more convincing to head over to Chelsea and check out this expansive show (not a far ride at all for our Midtown West residents, particularly Crystal Green and Emerald Green)! Even if you’re unfamiliar with the movement, the 10 Years of Wooster Collective is well worth the trip, because the exhibition also serves as an excellent introduction to many of the medium’s most renowned artists, and the extremely varied styles and sensibilities they bring to the street.
More Information: Wooster Collective Exhibition
10 Years of Wooster Collective will be at the Jonathan Levine pop-up gallery on West 22nd Street (between 10th and 11th Avenues) through August 24. The gallery is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. More information about Wooster Collective and about the exhibition!
Posted in NYC Events | Tagged 10 years of wooster collective • 10th anniversary of wooster collective • Jonathan Levine Gallery nyc • jonathan levine gallery street art exhibition • wooster collective exhibition nyc • wooster collective street art