Friends decorating christmas gingerbread cookies Healthy Christmas Desserts
One of the joys of the holiday season is the treats! So, this Christmas, why not experiment and make some of your most favorite holiday desserts a little healthier (without sacrificing their delicious taste of course!) Below we have found some great recipes for you to try out. This is a fun activity that the […]

A warm Hanukkah setting with golden latkes on a white plate, paired with sour cream and applesauce Best Potato Latka Recipe
Hanukkah begins sundown on Wednesday, December 25th! One of the best parts of these 8 special nights is sitting with your friends or family and sharing quality time over potato latkes. These recipes are easy to whip up in your Glenwood apartment, and fun for the entire family to participate in. Keep reading to find […]

Famous Christmas Decoration with Angels and Christmas Tree - Rockefeller Center (Top of the Rock) in New York City, USA Visit The Rockefeller Tree This Holiday Season
Holiday season is here! Finding outdoor activities close to your Glenwood apartment for you and your family will help make lasting memories! Visiting the Rockefeller Tree this year is a fun, distanced activity that is enjoyable for all! If you saw pictures of the tree when it first arrived, you may know it came in […]

indoor rooftop pool close up with skylight Swimming in Style at Your Glenwood NYC Apartment Pool
Discover the ultimate urban luxury with NYC apartments that feature stunning pools, offering residents a perfect blend of relaxation, fitness, and socializing opportunities right at home! This summer has been very warm, and what better way to cool off than right at home! Numerous Glenwood buildings have their very own pools. Keep reading to find […]

Patriotic Desserts For Olympic Viewing Parties
All eyes are on the Olympics and many are hosting viewing parties! What is better to bring to a viewing party than a non cook patriotic dessert!? We have rounded up a few fantastic recipes that both are easy to make snd look delicious. Keep reading to find out more. A Large Jar of Spirit […]

cherry blossoms lining a grass path Best Places To View The Cherry Blossoms in NYC
It is that time of year where the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, lining the city streets with beautiful, pink cheerfulness! Immersing yourself in nature is proven to reduce stress, so spending an afternoon strolling beneath some beautiful cherry blossoms is a great way to spend time outside with friends or family! We have […]

spring hycinth flowers in pink and purple Who Says Spring Cleaning Is Only For Your Apartment?
As soon as springtime hits NYC, spring cleaning is on our minds! While you most commonly associate spring cleaning with your apartment, it is also important to relate it to yourself. Take time to personally shed the gloom of winter and ready yourself for the bright spring and summer ahead! We have included some of […]

close up of peace lily flower 5 Flowers To Grow In Your Apartment This Spring
With spring just around the corner and sunny, usually warm days we have been experiencing, it is a great idea to warm up your Glenwood apartment with some flowers! While you can walk to your local flower mart to pick some beautiful arrangements up, it is also just as fun to plant your own! Keep […]

small infant playing with colorful blocks on floor 3 At Home Activity Kits For Kids
With the recent freezing temperatures we have been experiencing in New York, it can be hard to come up with new creative at home activities to keep your little one’s minds busy! There are great kits that you can order online for different ages and interests! Keep reading to find out 3 fantastic options! Kiwi […]

decorated Christmas tree in a Christmas tree farm with ornaments and lights 3 Great Places To Cut Down Your Own Christmas Tree Near NYC
If you are looking for a fun holiday activity this season, why not venture to a close Christmas tree farm and cut down your very own tree! Most tree farms also have very cute sweets and treats for you to indulge in after you choose your tree. Kids and adults will both enjoy this fun […]