Openhouse Gallery’s Park Here: An Indoor Pop-Up Park in Nolita
Openhouse Gallery’s Park Here: The Indoor Pop-Up Park was a favorite oasis of ours last winter, a surprisingly pleasant and comfortable place in Nolita to sit with friends and snack and chat, or to stop in alone and read or work or, yes, maybe take a little nap. You know: things you might do in a real, outdoor park! But in the middle of winter, inside, where it’s warm and cozy. Even despite the fact that everything at Park Here NYC is completely fake! The grass, the trees, the rocks, the chirping birds, the sunlight, all of it artificial. Yet it totally works; it just feels a whole lot nicer than your standard NYC public indoor plaza.
Park Here Nolita features three main areas and enough nooks and crannies to make the space seem even larger and more meandering than it actually is. The lighting is all via Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) lamps, so there is an actual therapeutic reason why your body and mind are relaxing. And this year, in addition to offering padded picnic “blankets”, benches and chairs, Nolita’s Park Here has an abundance of those great big Fat Boy pillows, which are perfect for lounging and large enough to seat two, if you don’t mind cuddling a bit.
Park Here: An Indoor Pop-Up Park is the brainchild of the Openhouse Gallery NYC, as a way to promote their space for future rentals and events, and they’re showing it off to great effect by throwing lots of parties of their own, including concerts (Freelance Whales and Deer Tick played last week; Matisyahu this week), screenings, and food and wine tastings. Plus there are special Mommy Mornings–every day from 8:30 a.m. until 12:00 noon–so kids can run and play freely, while caregivers enjoy the espresso bar. And this year they’ve even added several free-of-charge laptops, so if you need to jump on the wifi (instead of closing your eyes to enjoy the “birds”), there’s that option, too.
Park Here: An Indoor Pop-Up Park details
The Open House Gallery’s Park Here is located on Mulberry Street between Spring and Kenmare, and is open daily from 8:30 a.m. until 8:00 p.m until February 15. Adults must be accompanied by children before noon. For lots more information about Park Here as well as a look at upcoming special events, please see the Openhouse Gallery NYC website, here.
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