Open House Gallery in NYC Presents Park Here: A Temporary Indoor Park in Nolita
Ok, it sounds kind of cheesy, but this place is actually pretty amazing. Park Here, on Mulberry Street in Nolita, is what might be this town's first-ever pop-up park, a meandering, temporary greenspace that somehow manages to warm and comfort and relax even though the entire thing–the trees, the grass, the bushes, the birds chirping, the stones, the sunlight–are all completely artificial. Located in the Open House Gallery in NYC until the end of January, Park Here is a welcome and remarkably effective oasis from not only the cold, but also the frantic pace of daily NYC life.
Park Here was installed and is maintained by the Open House Gallery itself, as a (savvy) way to promote their space to future, hopefully more commercial, pop-ups. And, really, they did an excellent job. The place has two levels, three main rooms, and several inviting nooks and cozy spots throughout. It's quiet in here. And comfortable, whether you're sprawled out on the lawn, lazily see-sawing, taking a "stroll" of the grounds, or sitting at a picnic table. And the lighting is all done with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) lamps, so there are actual therapeutic reasons why it feels so good to be here.
People seem to be using the OPen House Gallery in NYC space in a variety of ways. When we went one afternoon last week, there was a woman working on her laptop (the place is all wi-fi'ed, of course) at one of the semi-secreted picnic tables. There was a trio of snacking and chatting hipsters, and a couple cuddling, and lots of readers, and a few folks napping. There were a pair of little ones toddling around barefoot, and several quite astonished tourists who had stumbled in from their shopping. So far Park Here seems fairly undiscovered, though, like everything else, it probably gets more crowded on the weekend. And there are special events almost every day, including midday yoga and pilates classes, chocolate tastings, and movie nights. No matter what, the Park Here Pop-up Park is definitely worth checking out if you're in the neighborhood.
Park Here Pop-up Park Details
The Park Here temporary indoor park is located on Mulberry Street between Spring and Kenmare, and will be open every day from 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m., from now through the end of January. For more information about the Park Here, including a calendar of special events, please see the Open House Gallery website.
Posted in NYC Events | Tagged Open house gallery • Open house gallery NYC • Park here