Gizmodo Gallery 2009
The Gizmodo Gallery 2009 is here! From right now through Sunday September 27, the gadget geeks at have invaded the raw, sprawling space Groupe in Nolita for their now-annual celebration of the Wonderful World of Tech, both commercial and hacked, classic (the first-ever VCR! the first Walkman, on loan from Sony’s Tokyo archives!) and cutting-edge (the U.S. debut of the Pioneer CDJ-2000 turntable!). We stopped by tonight to check out the hands-on, interactive awesomeness, and found it to be, well… interactively awesome indeed.
The Gizmodo Gallery 2009 features more than 60 devices to play with and gawk at and drool with delight over. Among our favorites:
The ChefStack Automatic Pancake Maker, spitting out almost 200 fluffy breakfast desserts an hour, to be consumed to you, the Gizmodo Gallery goer.
The MakerBot 3D-printer, which prints objects rather than documents. That white head sitting on top there? Takes about two hours to complete. The ArcAttack Singling Tesla Coils, performing their human-made lightning magic three times a day–at around 1:00, 3:00, and 6:00–with numbers ranging from Sexyback to the theme from the Legend of Zelda.
The welcome return of all 900 pounds of the gigantorious 103-inch Panasonic Plasma TV–seriously: this thing is a monster, albeit an unbelievably sharp and gorgeous monster–which keeps the crowds rapt with games (DJ Hero, Call of Duty, Beatles Rock Band) and exclusive-to-Gizmodo art from Bad Robot’s Star Trek. The Sketch-3D, a giant Etch-a-Sketch with, obviously, three directional controls. Don’t forget to slip on your goofy red-lens/blue-lens glasses!
The Gizmodo Gallery 2009 details
The Gizmodo Gallery 2009 is located at Groupe, on Elizabeth Street between East Houston and Prince, the hours are as follows:
* Thursday and Friday, September 24th and 25th, from 12:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
* Saturday the 26th from 11:00 until 8:00
* Sunday the 27th from 11:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.
NOTE: On Friday night there will be a Gizmodo Gallery Public Party–complete with prizes!– from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., and on Saturday night the Gizmodo Gallery 2009 will reopen at 9:00 until whenever for a live DJ set, courtesy of KCRW, as well as hinted-at special musical guests.
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