Apartment Therapy’s Eight-Step Home Cure Spring 2010
Our friends over at the great Apartment Therapy are just heading into Week Two of what has become an twice-a-year tradition, the wonderfully communal and always instructive and inspiring Eight-Step Home Cure. So far more than 1,200 people from all over the country–a hefty share of those from right here in New York City–have signed up and are participating in the Apartment Therapy Home Cure, opening up their homes (virtually, of course) and sharing their progress in making their living space more organized, more beautiful, and more healthy, in just eight weeks.
There's still plenty of time to register and become an Eight-Step Apartment Therapy Home Cure participant, but you can also (like us), just sit on the sidelines and watch, as three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, a flood of new posts come in with clever solutions for tackling common home decorating, home organizing, and house cleaning problems.
Apartment Therapy's Eight-Step Home Cure is based on their book of the same name, available for about $10 at Amazon (or, for a quicker fix, at your local bookstore) and used as the framework for the online event. Here, basically, is how it works… Participants sign up and get their weekly assignments from the Apartment Therapy book. Through posting pictures on Flickr, threads on specially designated discussion boards, as well as email and Twitter updates, people from across America share their progress, their setbacks and their successes, all of which are turned into regular posts on the Apartment Therapy site.
Week One was all about Creating Your Vision, and participants did terrific show-and-tells of the areas in their homes that they find most in need of help. Week Two's assignment–going on right now!–is Clearing a Path, doing all the necessary if unglamorous prep work to make the change happen most effectively and easily. Week Three… well, we'll let you explore and experience the rest for yourself. For lots more information about Apartment Therapy's Eight-Step Home Cure, Spring 2010, see the special section of the Apartment Therapy website, here.
Posted in Apartment Living NYC |