7 Things You Should Have In Your Apartment At All Times

Preparedness is key! There are a few gadgets and tools all New Yorkers should have accessible in their Glenwood apartment to be ready for anything. Here are 7 things no one should be living without.

toolkit supplies

A Tool Kit

While this might not be something you’ll be in need of every day (you’re a New Yorker, after all), we promise you’ll be really happy you have easy access to one when the need arises. Planning to hang a new picture? You’ll need a hammer and a nail. Putting together the play-kitchen for your little one? You’ll need ALL the tools!

All-Natural Cleaning Products

There are a few key things a New Yorker NEVER wants to run out of, and we’re going to go ahead and lump them under the umbrella “cleaning products”. Except since you’re New Yorkers, we’re going to go even one better and assume that you’re already using (or are about to switch!) to the all-natural variety. Better for the home, better for the people who live there (pets included!), and better for mama earth. Products that fall under this category can include: laundry detergent, cleaning sprays, dishwashing soap, and of course, plenty of rags, sponges, and paper towels to do all the heavy scrubbing. While we’re at it, we’ll go ahead and throw toilet paper into this category, too! The company Grove Collaborative is an easy spot to order all your goods from–they offer free shipping, right to your front door, Downtown all the way to the Upper East Side!

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The Fairmont – Upper East Side Apartments

Welcome home to the Fairmont - one of Glenwood's Upper East Side luxury apartment buildings. Drive up a circular driveway with fountains, landscaped entrance and gardens, and be greeted by 24-hour door service. Relax on a sun deck and enjoy upscale amenities. Learn more about available one and two bedroom luxury apartments today!

A Power Strip

Even if you don’t have a use for a power strip right now, per se, there’ss so many opportunities when one will be needed, and you’ll be thrilled you have one handy! From having a central place to plug in the entire family’s smart phones and electronic devices, to having an easy way to connect the TV to your Apple TV device, while still not losing functionality of Amazon’s Alexa, these little things take up practically no room but are super useful.


How many times have you been in the middle of a Netflix binge when your remote control dies? Or your toddler gets a new toy from Grandma that requires Double A’s (but of course doesn’t come with them)? To prevent last minute runs to Duane Reade, stack up on batteries of varying sizes and keep them in a drawer where everyone in the house has access (except the toddlers, of course!)

light bulb

Light Bulbs

…Because have you ever been in the bathroom before when the lightbulb decides to blow? You’ll be so happy you had the foresight to keep a few spares hidden in a drawer!

A Plunger

Hopefully it’s not something you’ll need to reach for often, but imagine your relief when it’s there, totally handy, in your time of need! Plus, in the case of having visitors or out of town guests this is always a much appreciated tool to have tucked away in the bathroom in the case of an unexpected emergency. It will save much embarrassment for your guests!

fresh produce

The Ingredients To Throw Together A Quick Meal

Whether you’re a New Yorker who orders in all your meals to your Westside Grand Tier apartment, eats them all out, or is a gourmet chef who prepares a three course feast every evening, there’ss no denying the beauty of keeping a few ingredients on hand to throw together a quick and easy meal for those times you don’t feel like eating out or cooking something elaborate. The great part about this is it doesn’t have to be anything complex–from keeping your favorite brand of frozen pizza in the freezer to fresh veggies from the Farmer’s Market to throw together a salad in your fridge, it’s a satisfying feeling to whip up something quick when that hangry (i.e. hungry + angry) feeling starts to hit!

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Grand Tier – Luxury Upper West Side Apartments

The Grand Tier lives up to its name, overlooking Lincoln Center on one side, Central Park on the other. Welcome home to a sophisticated lobby with French tapestry, vaulted ceiling, silver travertine, and marble floors. Browse available units today!

What are the things you keep in your apartment at all times? Share with us on Facebook and Twitter!

Posted in Apartment Living NYC, Downtown, manhattan living, Upper East Side | Tagged