Top 5 Podcasts For Your Commute

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When you first meet someone in New York, one of the first questions you may ask is “How’s your daily commute?” Whether you work as a teacher, a chef, lawyer, a dog walker, or the mayor of this great city, one thing we all have in common is that we commute. If you spend 30 minutes on the subway or walk 3 blocks, it’s always nice to plug in your ear buds and listen to a podcast that interests you.

From taking a bus or cab to hopping on the subway, podcasts are perfect to keep your mind engaged during your commute from point A to B. Podcasts are a great way to entertain yourself, but also to stay up-to-date on new topics and fun tidbits to share with friends and family. Here’s our favorite podcasts to get you through your commute!

If you can’t get enough of Law and Order…

In The Dark will turn into an obsession. If you were a fan of the podcast Serial (or every Law and Order episode ever made), you’ll love this one. It tells the story of a 27 year old child abduction case in the Midwest and investigates what went wrong, and because of that, how it ultimately changed our nation in some big, big ways. If you love a good story that will keep you on your toes for the next episode, charge up your iPhone and get ready for a thrill!

Photo Credit: The Bowery Boys on iTunes

Learn more about NYC’s history

If you want to learn the history of the city we call home, look no further than The Bowery Boys. NYC History 101 it may be, but in a completely non-boring way, we promise! From pizza kings of the city to legends that lived at The Chelsea Hotel, the Bowery Boys talk about the people and events that helped make New York what it is… The city we all commute though every day and love so much.

If you need a little pick-me-up

Author of the book ‘The Happiness Project’, New Yorker Gretchen Rubin started Happier. This bi-weekly podcast shares tips and tricks on how to be your happiest self in this big, bustling city. From happiness hacks to answering listener questioners, like how to handle a friend who is ALWAYS late, each episode is packed with friendly advice to make your NYC life a little brighter.

Don’t have time to sit and read The New Yorker?

Since New Yorkers are constantly on the move, it can be hard to find time to sit and read the latest articles and newspapers. If you have a stack of ‘to read’ books or magazines on your coffee table, patiently waiting to be read, check out The New Yorker Radio Hour. Next time you’re sitting on the subway or walking a few blocks to the office, grab your headphones and tune into a highlight reel of the magazine, with special guests to boot!

Photo Credit: WBUR Modern Love

If you’re a romantic

Are you familiar with the Modern Love column in the New York Times? This weekly series of reader-submitted pieces explore love’s joys, heartwarming trials, and defining tribulations. If you’re a total romantic (even if you don’t want to admit it!) these stories are available in podcasts to keep you company on your commute. This collection of relationship tales are sure to make you laugh, gasp, and definitely tear up. Have your Kleenex ready!

Would want to know what your go-to commuting podcast is. Connect with us on Twitter and Facebook… We’re all ears! 

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